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Tag: Martin Luther King Jr

Lesson: Celebrating Black History Month With Inspirational Figures

Black History Month presents a special opportunity for celebrating the black men and women who overcame adversity and discouragement with incredible optimism, strength, and pride. It is the character of these men and women that children will admire and may replicate in their own lives as they face challenges. Each

Lesson: Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark achievement in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. With the incredible perseverance of the people fighting for civil rights, it was inevitable that they would be victorious. However, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not easy,

Lesson: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Pillars of Philosophy

Martin Luther King, Jr. is an incredible inspiration to people around the world today who suffer from injustice. His commitment to nonviolence made him an effective and esteemed leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Today, King is remembered for his remarkable strength, perseverance, and dedication to fighting for equality amidst