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Lesson: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

The false depictions that romanticize Fidel Castro and Che Guevara as heroes are dangerous to our youth who have no way of knowing the extent of their cruelty if not covered by teachers. As Hollywood and some scholars have embraced Cuba’s propaganda as truth and

Lesson: The Tuskegee Airmen

The Tuskegee Airmen are among America’s greatest heroes whose stories must not be forgotten. It is essential that their efforts and accomplishments are recognized in our great history, for they are the ideal role models for all young students. The challenges of segregation, discrimination, and

Lesson: Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark achievement in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. With the incredible perseverance of the people fighting for civil rights, it was inevitable that they would be victorious. However, the passage of the Civil Rights Act


Lesson: Stalin’s Genocides

Most historians and history teachers agree that preserving history is of the utmost importance; as history gets lost to time, so do its lessons. The choice to nearly omit the horrific atrocities of Joseph Stalin from many curriculums is a dangerous one. Erasing Stalin’s deadly

Lesson: The Captains of Industry

Contrary to what many may believe, the government is not what made America a superpower. America’s growth and prosperity began much like the nation did itself, with determined, innovative individuals brave enough to take a risk. Businesses are born out of a dream to achieve

Lesson: D-Day in the Words of Soldiers

Making an emotional connection to people and events in history helps students understand it better. In this World War II lesson, students will learn about the enormity of the undertaking of D-Day including its purpose, risks, sacrifices, and success. Students will read letters from soldiers

Lesson: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Pillars of Philosophy

Martin Luther King, Jr. is an incredible inspiration to people around the world today who suffer from injustice. His commitment to nonviolence made him an effective and esteemed leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Today, King is remembered for his remarkable strength, perseverance, and dedication

Lesson: Medici as Role Models?

Credited with much of the success of the Renaissance was the Medici family of Florence. Their history is a tribute to early capitalism and its roots in adding value to wealth and those willing to take risks. As a successful banking family, the Medici’s secured

Lesson: The Space Race

The Cold War put rival economies to the test on the world stage with the thriving capitalism of the United States overpowering the failing communism of the Soviet Union. The United States, ready for the challenge, proved to be the superior force in what became