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Tag: Critical Race Theory

Leo Terrell: BLM Is Highjacking Black History Month

During an appearance on Hannity, civil rights attorney, and former teacher, Leo Terrell discussed the troubling popularity of Black Lives Matter at School materials being used across the country. Launched in 2016 by a group of teachers, Black Lives Matter at School has a massive presence in schools in every

Educators Double Down On CRT After Youngkin Victory

Leftist extremists have never cared about following the wishes of parents and the public in general. After Glenn Youngkin won the election in Virginia, they were proud to announce that they will increase the amount of CRT, social justice, and BLM educational materials in classrooms across America.  After Election Day,

Condoleezza Rice Discredits CRT and Defends Children

Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State (2005-2009) and former National Security Advisor (2001-2005), masters the essence of education once again while guest hosting on The View where she discredited CRT and defended the children of America.  Growing up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, Condoleezza Rice references her first-hand experience dealing with

Destroying the US One Lesson at a Time – Part 7: First Book

With a presence in all 50 states, and a network of over 500,000 educators and nearly 100 million dollars of assets and funding each year, First Book is one of the major players in spreading the ideas of Critical Race Theory, “Social Justice,” and socialism throughout nearly every school across

Bills “Banning” CRT Are Misleading and Dangerous

Many individuals and organizations are celebrating state and local governments passing weak legislation that “bans” Critical Race Theory from the classroom, but those who are doing so are selling false hope. With many putting their trust and faith in these flawed bills, and the summer break about to enter full

Iowa’s Bill Fails to Ban CRT

With House File 802, students will still be taught the highly destructive and far left ideas of “social justice” and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Individuals and organizations who are telling parents that this Bill will prohibit these ideas from being in the classroom are either purposefully misleading their followers and

Is CRT in YOUR School? Yes.

When a school, district, or department of education formally announces that they are adopting Critical Race Theory as part of their curriculum, they are merely announcing what has been taught in their schools for years, if not decades.  If you are relieved that your school district has not adopted CRT