Just when you thought the 1619 Project’s fictional take on American history was fading into the past, the creator gleefully announced that you can now pre-order the illustrated children’s book version of her work. Even more troubling is that the publishing company and Hannah-Jones have timed the release of this book right before Thanksgiving.

With Hannah-Jones, and her fellow radical leftists, frequently attacking the study of Native Americans and American pilgrims whom the Thanksgiving holiday is based around, this cannot come as a surprise. The new book titled The 1619 Project: Born on the Water is currently the #1 book on Amazon in the children’s American Revolution history book subsection. It is written for children from 7-10 years old, or grade levels 2-5, and will be released on November 16, just 21 days before the uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving. There is no doubt that Hannah-Jones, and the others responsible for this book, are intentionally releasing it 12 days before Thanksgiving for the purpose of outraging Americans and getting free press. They are also seizing the opportunity to fill classrooms and homes with a book denouncing America during a time when teachers and parents bring children together to talk about what it means to give thanks.

This book will likely be featured in the lesson plans of thousands of classrooms across America in the lead up to Thanksgiving. Through organizations like the teachers unions and First Book, it will also be featured in libraries, classroom reading corners, and book packs that are sent home with children to read during the holiday break. 

After reading this book, these children will not be thankful for living in America, but will be ashamed of the false history they will be taught. Young Americans will not appreciate the risks and sacrifices of those who lived before them; rather, they will see the settlers as incredibly evil people. By the time these children reach adulthood Nikole Hannah-Jones will have obtained her goal as Americans will come to celebrate “Hatesgiving” instead of Thanksgiving.