Conservative leaders and institutions have failed America. Instead of using their money and time to further the cause of liberty, they have used it to enrich themselves and their family members. In February of 2015, Michael Pillsbury’s book, The Hundred‑year Marathon was published. In Pillsbury’s book, he lays out some of the countless ways that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used its power, money, and influence to “replace America as the global superpower.” 

At its core, the CCP and fellow socialists/communists around the world have played the long game; they planned generationally. Since the ideas of far-left radicals consumed leading educational organizations and beyond, freedom-loving individuals have complained about their growing influence; they wrote books, and they started nonprofits in which many of them were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to comment about how troubling the gains of the far-left were over the last few decades. What they did not do, however, is actually make a difference by creating an organization that would effectively combat these alarming trends. In part, due to their incompetence and greed, The Locke Society was founded. The Locke Society has many goals, but the main ones are to inspire freedom loving and liberty-minded moderates/Republicans/conservatives to enter the field of K-12 education, and to develop high quality educational materials that meet the most current standards and can fit into any curriculum in any school (public, private, charter, or homeschool).

The 100 year marathon that conservatives must start now is not easy; the gains will not be immediate, but each step taken forward will lead America, and America’s future leaders, away from the far-left activism and get America back on track. It will cost a lot of money and time, but if we do not start taking action instead of just bringing awareness, the land of the free will no longer exist. The light of freedom that has fought off fascism and socialism will be snuffed out by its own people. The last hope of spreading freedom to the world will be gone. The radical left will control the educational institutions, and with this control, future Americans will not even know of the tragic loss of the liberty, opportunities, and dreams that this great country would have once embodied. The freedoms that many now take for granted will become a fairytale that is dismissed by those who know no better. With the left’s control of the educational system, they will continue to shape our culture and society. Our only hope for America’s future is to rid education of its corruption from the inside, and make a real impact on the system that forms and shapes the minds of our future leaders. 

*This article has been updated on August 12, 2024.