Teach For America is one of the most well-funded and destructive educational non-profits in America. Although it started out with good intentions, a deeper look into the organization reveals that many of the individuals who work there are outwardly promoting socialist ideas and are forcing these ideas on our children.
Socialist and radical ideas are promoted by the leaders of this organization to our future politicians, teachers, workers, and most significantly, voters. Teach For America had over 230 of their alumni run for public office in 2018, and 139 of these individuals won their election.
“We must commit to teaching in a way that totally disrupts & dismantles the system of oppression we have been operating within for over 400 years. “- Kelisa Wing (@kelisa_l2teach). For actionable steps for educators, read her latest @edutopia https://t.co/BBAj3dtPX5
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) June 1, 2020
This organization is a breeding ground for radicals who find their way into positions of power, including public office. Some of their notable alumni include: Alec Ross (a Senior Adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), DeRay McKesson (a radical leader in the Black Lives Matter movement who has defended and promoted a violent approach to protesting, including looting), Brittany Packnett (a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement, and a member of President Barack Obama’s 21st Century Policing Task Force), Gregg Costa (United States Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit), Mike Feinberg (KIPP [a network of 242 liberal charter schools] Co-founder), and Mark Levine (Member of the New York City Council member of the Democratic Party).
“We are here because we want future generations to read about systemic racism in a history book.” @MsPackyetti #teachforamerica
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) July 17, 2015
As many organizations target swing states, Teach For America is no exception. Callie Kozlak is the Superintendent for Policy and Government Relations in the Arizona Department of Education. Along with Kozlak’s disrespect for the President, her liberal agenda is clear and is supported by many radical educational organizations.
(1:2) As a college-educated, millennial-ish, high-efficacy female voter registered #Democrat in AZ, there are two issues I am paying particular attention to: climate change and public education. At the @NALEO candidate forum, I took note of who mentioned these in their remarks:
— Callie Kozlak (@CallieKozlak) June 21, 2019
In an article published by Teach For America in which members were asked what they wanted elected officials to know, one teacher at a Detroit charter school was quoted:
“’His message to elected leaders is simple: … families need a guaranteed income, health care, adequate public transportation and—for their kids—free enrichment opportunities. ‘Only then can we consider ourselves a democracy.’”
This teacher is not only pushing the socialist ideas of making everything free, he also spent time and stayed after school for 10 weeks to ‘invest’ students in the 2018 midterm election. He had a group of 30 of these students go out and knock on doors to register community members to vote. “Back at school, they took a survey to identify with which political party they might align. ‘I’ve developed my curriculum to give students the skills and power to disrupt society,’ he says.” While they pretend to be non-partisan, the reality is that these teachers are grooming their students to attempt to fundamentally transform this nation, and it is working. With around $300 million a year in funding, including $40 million in taxpayer government funding, many freedom loving Americans are financing this organization, which is being used to destroy our nation.
Teach For America is consistently attacked from individuals on the left. The main reason is that they support many charter schools, and the teachers union sees them as a threat to their constant revenues at the taxpayers’ expense. Still, the teachers that they are sending out to schools across America are sowing the seeds of racial and economic division everyday in classrooms. The founder of Teach for America, Wendy Kopp, recently retweeted a tweet that stated that police “violence” is “structurally embedded into these forces.”
Worth repeating that all of the police violence you see happening right now has been happening for a long time before there were any camera phones to record it. It’s a daily phenomenon in communities across the country. It’s structurally embedded into how these forces operate.
— Clint Smith (@ClintSmithIII) May 31, 2020
The official twitter account of Teach For America frequently has tweeted that their organization is working to address systemic/institutional racism, even promoting talking about racism with preschoolers.
“What do preschoolers understand about racism?” http://t.co/nEYawBNSQ1 pic.twitter.com/rVXxz0ewr4
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) May 30, 2015
They pushed the false narrative of “hands up, don’t shoot,” which has helped lead to more racial tension in America.
“Education didn’t save #MikeBrown. Racism killed him.” – @MsPackyetti of TFA-St. Louis http://t.co/dPIjiUTsPH pic.twitter.com/bnu2AgYuEF
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) August 14, 2014
Still, their most common complaint is inequity. The “equity” issues that they want to face are extensive and range from economic “inequity,” social justice “inequity,” and educational “inequity.”
Q19: How are the issues of systematic racism and oppression being addressed in TFA with relation to corp member placement? #teachforamerica
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) July 16, 2015
“Culture is at the heart of equity, and equity and culture are at the heart of vision.” – @SuptTomB, Superintendent of Denver Public Schools #SLOC2018
— Teach For America (@TeachForAmerica) February 23, 2018
Teach For America’s goal is not to provide a better education for the underprivileged; it is to ensure that their political agendas are pushed into schools across the nation. They aim to address the societal “inequity” on every level. The way that many of their members hope to do this is by promoting socialist and communist ideas in the classroom. This is one reason why school choice will not help win the fight to stop socialism being promoted to the 60 million children currently in K-12 education.