The Democratic Socialist Party published an article in August of 2018 urging its members to become teachers. While many of their members are already teachers, with over 3,000 openly admitting to being members of the Facebook group,“Democratic Socialist Teachers,” they state that having socialists as educators is a sure way of changing society into their version of a socialist utopia. In the article, they state that by taking over the educational system they can shape how “young Americans perceive the world around them” in every subject and grade, and have the opportunity to teach about “social justice” and “liberation history.” By doing this, they claim to be able to “shape a generation of critical thinkers and political actors.”
The basis for their argument is very sound and true. Teachers have immense power when it comes to shaping and changing society. This is why when socialist/communist dictators and governments have come into power in the past, they have immediately taken over the educational systems; this allows the government to control who teaches, and in turn what is taught. Due to the amount of influence these individuals have they not only are able to shape society through classrooms, but through political offices as well.
“[T]eachers are often high-status individuals in their communities. They can command respect and people look to them as moral and social guides, especially for their children. All these strategic factors argue for the presence of socialists within education because of the political and economic leverage teachers could exert if organized.” –DSA
Their strategy is proving to be effective with one of their members likely being elected to the NY State Senate this year. Jabari Brisport, a math teacher at Medgar Evers College Preparatory School, is essentially guaranteed to win his election in the 25th district of NY for a seat in the state senate. This is merely one example of teachers effectively being elected to public office, and creating massive social change on their way there.
“Teaching is proving to be one viable way for socialists to get into the labor movement and wage class struggle in a key industry that is under attack by capital. Teachers across the country and indeed the world have shown us that if we organize in the schools, we can not only win concessions from the millionaire and billionaire class, but can also set a powerful example for the entire working class to follow.” -DSA
With more and more members of the Democratic Socialist Party becoming teachers, they are ensuring that the future voters of America will see the world from their distorted view. They are whitewashing the genocides and mass murders under Mao and Stalin. They are romanticizing Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. They are erasing the killing fields of Pol Pot. They are teaching the Howard Zinn/1619 Project version of world history that was created in the twisted minds of people who believe America has been and continues to be a force of evil in the world. Unless moderates and conservatives unite to begin supporting organizations like The Locke Society, they will continue to win, and America will be “abolished,” just like their favorite publishing company Haymarket Books openly admits is their goal.
[Note: Jabari Brisport won his election and is now represents New York’s 25th State Senate district.]
I am a student who is fed up with the system and uncertain about the near future. I first broke out of my prescribed routine and began reaching out a few months ago when I reached a breaking point. There was an antisemitic jihadist rally at my university and I recorded it. I reached out to my representative and was able to provide the footage to them. I just could not stand this institutionalized cultural rot any longer and decided that I had to start doing something about it. I have been detailing plans and strategies on how to win this psychological and information war we’re in, but I have no voice. I humbly ask that you consider my plea.
It’s a new year and it’s perhaps going to be the most decisive one in our lifetimes. We are in a state of war and we have precious little time to save ourselves. The globalists and unelected bureaucrats have several ways to sabotage President Trump once more and forever eradicate the will of the people, with the most obvious ones being all out war with BRICS or the tens of millions of hostile “liberals” and invading aliens out to genocide and replace us, as is already happening throughout Europe and South Africa. The more discreet ones would be another plandemic as is already happening in China or a mass blackout that the WEF will “predict” as they did with the first plandemic. But there is still hope to stop all this before the end of 2024. The affirmative action diversity hire president of harvard was finally forced to resign due to the uncensored reporting of real journalists on Twitter. The complete opposite would’ve happened if it wasn’t for Elon Musk doing something as simple as restoring the First Amendment on just one major platform. This proves that the people actually do have all the power, they just need to be able to make use of it. The illegitimate traitors and tyrants who we call our “leaders” cannot survive in the free marketplace of ideas. Harvard is just the beginning, we have plenty more institutions, corporations, and bureaucracies to clean up. Just as with school, I haven’t learned a single thing from all my time in university. I’ve detailed plans and strategies to delegitimize not just the cancerous cults we call higher “education” and “liberalism”, but the ideologies and voices of the useful idiots who propagate and enforce them. I’ve also detailed how to not only further empower the people, but how to also consolidate such will and power. My parents want me to stay in college so I can become just another wage slave with a worthless degree, completely oblivious and in denial of what’s actually happening to our nation. But I want to become not only self-sufficient, but to help everyone else realize true power and freedom just as our forefathers intended. I don’t want to continue wasting away at college, doing nothing but filling out paperwork that never gets put to use (just as in school, only this time at the cost of a fortune). The system is intentionally designed this way so that true leaders and strong individuals are never heard and are trapped in place by the weak and unfit “elite” and “educated” classes. This status quo is exactly why our nation is falling just as Rome did. It needs to be put to an end if we’re going to have a future for our families and country. I humbly ask that I be considered for a position or role of any kind so I can actually start putting my skills and strengths to use, and so I can be freed from this malicious routine that I have been forcibly prescribed to since childhood, the very peaceful slavery that our Founding Fathers warned about. If you can succeed in doing this, we very well may be able to lead the way in proving how we do not need these useless, practically worthless “experts” and bureaucrats who have destroyed our country to begin with. The only people worth listening to, fit to be in power, worth being hired or doing business with, should be those who are naturally strong and skilled. In other words, those who are actually intelligent and fit for such duties and responsibilities, the true leaders who should be in charge of our country, not the privileged oppressors and inferiors with nothing but purchased or stolen titles.